
This week for reading I have beens skiming and scaning words on a book called wonder digataly and going through the wonder slides my teacher assisted me with.

First I had to read pages 29:31 chapter 11. I had to answer some questions that talk about the book and what it is all about. this book is about a boy named auggie at his first day of school but afriad to show his face around. Auggie was told that the princebel Mr Tushman told some students to take Auggie a tour around the school.

Next I had to make a copy of the phone template where I had to interact with charecters from the story. my task was to create an interaction of two charecters where there in a text senorio using emojis to have a conversation with. Then I had to read pages 31:32 chapeter 12, where I had to inferance what I can make about the charecters feeling or thoughts.

Then I had to read pages 33:34 chapter 13 and visualise a quote from the story. The quote went I was so nervous that the butterflies in my stomach were more like pigeons flying around my insides. After that I had to show wha emoji fits best with the words that are on my slides.

Lastly my task was to explore the differences between American English and New Zealand/UK English by identifying words in the text that have distinct variations in spelling or usage. I had to research and find the New Zealand (NZ) and United Kingdom (UK) English equivalents.

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