Rewrite but don’t use…

LI: To use a wider variety of vocabulary

For this task we were challenged by our teacher to rewrite sentences without using specific letters. We rewrote sentences by taking out the letters L, A,  E, and K. We used word hippo to find different vocabulary of words to change the sentences that we were given. Each time we finished we found another pair and shared our sentence or lullabies. The more we kept going the more it got harder. I think this activity was definitely impossible because most of the words had either have L A or K but most of them mostly had E.

Google Meets PBS

I: What was the big message?

The Google team came along to Panmure Bridge School and shared some intersting information about their tecnology, translation and ect. I leanrt alot of information from the Google team of Auckland and how their tecnology is going to imporve throughout the years. They inspired us to dream big dreams and celibrate faliuare and succses. and sometimes the job you want might never exist in the future.

The Google team comes with Steve, Caro, Teyha, and Simon. Teyha is a digital stragety that helps bussness grow and her advise is “What ever you do when you start a job do it at 110%. Caro is the lead Google business in Auckland and helps other business aswel as youtube google and ect. Her advise is “To make the most of oppourtunitys and embrace in every opportunitys.

  • Inspires us to dream big dreams
  • Study a lot of what you enjoy doing.
  • Celibreate faliure and succses


Samoan Language Week

LI: Learning about different cultures.

For this task me and my group made a samoan pattern which is called tatau in samoan. these patterns represent the heart of the samoan culture and keeps the samoan tradition. These patterns are known for marking and transforming the human body. Our pattern was a flower because most samoans like to wear flowers around their ear.

Information Report Bengal Swamp Tigers

For this task I used our smart searching skills to find facts about the Bengal Swamp Tiger. Once we had found the information we needed we made notes in our words. We used these notes to help us write our information reports. Information reports give readers with information that is talking about the main topic.

LI: to write an information report that informs the reader about the swamp tiger.

One of the most interesting and most majestic cats in the world. The (Panthera Tigris Tigris) also known as the Swamp Tiger. These savage beasts have the ability to swim with their 4 strong legs and with their agility to hunt prey in the water (speed). These wildlife creatures are an endangered species in the animal kingdom because of deforestation and terrain loss. Because of humans hunting the Swamp Tiger it’s becoming popular for others to capture. As strange as it may seem these furrocious beats have the strength of thirty men which makes this cat really tough.

This beast is a ferocious mammal with an appearance of orange fur and black stripes, these fur help them stay camouflaged between the night of prey. These beats have powerful jaws, razor sharp claws, and massive body length. As interesting as it looks these cats have Enormous teeth that bite through bones and a terrifying killer.

The Bengal Swamp Tiger is an furrocious eater as well as what it eats. These beasts are carnivores (meat eaters) which makes them known to only eat meat as well as wild boar, deer, fish, and crabs.

The swamp tigers are capable of hunting larger prey, young rhinos and buffalo. 

The Swamp Tigers habitat is mostly the Sundarban delta forest which is located in Asia or mostly aquatic landscapes. These beats are also known to be found in southwest Asia and swampy mangroves. Have you ever known about the swamp tigers and where they live? 

Did you know that swamp tigers have a staggering strength that is so strong that they could carry them for over 1 mile. These terrifying beats only hunt alone at night to use their camouflage fur to blend in their surroundings.

The Bengal Swamp Tiger is an endangered animal in the animal kingdom barely having any more rare species left in the world because of human civilization taking over their home habitat.

Swamp Tigers

LI: To create a multi-modal DLO that tells others about  swamp tigers.

For this task our challenge was to make our own multi – modal DLO talking about the swamp tiger and researching new information about its Habitat, Appearance, Diet, and Behaviour.

I enjoyed this task because I leanrt new things about a new animal called the swamp tigers.

Vision Board

LI: To lead our selfs to a greater future.

For this task I had to write and make my own vision board and chose a person that really inspires me to move on. This task I was willing on what to do for my future self and to get prepeard for whats going to be in front of me.

For the person that inspires me the most is Sam Lousi. Sam Lousi is great rugby player and he plays for tonga which is my culture, but he is also a dual – code rugby player that has played in the senoir international level in both codes in rugby.

I enjoyed this task because I got to set my present self for the future.

Moment in time – polar bear

For this task my group had to watch a polar bear encounter video and write what we could hear see and feel in the video.

First my group had to watch the video and write for the poem what my group can, Hear. I heard the paws of the pale brute land on top of the weak plastic shield, rumbling the cage trying to break their way into the fresh meat hiding inside.

Next my group and I wrote what we could see, example I saw the menacing black dots appearing to be creeping towards me, I gazed upon the pale entity through my brittle cage as it scratched and rammed its huge torso into the only thing that stood between me and certain death.

I enjoyed this task because of the poems we wrote was really fun and amazing.