Day: November 10, 2023


This week for my PB4L I was doing   Ask for help.

First I had to go on the mat and  listen for instructions then I had to make a copy of the  Ask for help p.

Then I had to go on to jamboard I had to do What is something new you have tried recently? How did it make you feel?

then I did When do you think it’s important to ask for help?.

Nent I was doing I’m struggling with my work. Can we talk about it later? and I’m working hard, but I’m still not understanding this  Can you help me?

Writing a book

Title The mysterious jungle
Orientation Bob goes to the jungle to explore and find the mysterious treasure.
Problem Tob the villain finds the treasure and does everything in his path to stop bob and nob to get to it.
Events Bob and his friend nob go on an adventure exploring the mysterious jungle. They come across a secret tomb that they fall into and are terrified as they see a huge ball coming at them with a quick speed. As they are running from the ball they see and exit close by, “Let’s go there” I said, so we turn to the corner huffing and puffing as if we were out of breath. We go outside and head off to the direction of the treasure.
Solution As they are heading off they come across a person “hey wait a minute IT’S YOU TOB ” i said in a loud voice. As we were going to fight he steps on a trap and captures us, lucky i broke out of the cage and fought with Tob. Then we heard the police so we made a run for it and Tob got captured.