Google Meets PBS

I: What was the big message?

The Google team came along to Panmure Bridge School and shared some intersting information about their tecnology, translation and ect. I leanrt alot of information from the Google team of Auckland and how their tecnology is going to imporve throughout the years. They inspired us to dream big dreams and celibrate faliuare and succses. and sometimes the job you want might never exist in the future.

The Google team comes with Steve, Caro, Teyha, and Simon. Teyha is a digital stragety that helps bussness grow and her advise is “What ever you do when you start a job do it at 110%. Caro is the lead Google business in Auckland and helps other business aswel as youtube google and ect. Her advise is “To make the most of oppourtunitys and embrace in every opportunitys.

  • Inspires us to dream big dreams
  • Study a lot of what you enjoy doing.
  • Celibreate faliure and succses


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